Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Marking Pearl Harbor Day at an area TEA Party

My Family and I attended a local TEA Party tonight. It seemed a fitting way to round out our Pearl Harbor day.
We took our twin boys with us as we feel strongly they need to hear about Freedom, Liberty and Patriotism as well as see it in action. The room was alive with activity and the sea of red white and blue clad persons were a nice contrast to the Christmas trees standing on either side of the doorway.
Our local group goes by the name of Citizens for the Constitution Texas (www.c4ctexas.org)
Ten principles form the group's foundation:
* Support of the Constitution of the United States of America in its original form along with the Bill of Rights that guarantee the personal liberty and rights of all citizens of this country.
* America is fundamentally a good country based on the values of its founding fathers.
* The Unites States of America was founded without question on the premise of a loving and benevolent God, which inspired the creation of a government guaranteeing the freedom and liberty of individuals.
* The family is sacred and the most important unit of our society.
* Our system of law and justice was and is based upon Judeo-Christian principles.
* Integrity and honesty are integral to our system of governance.
* We each have the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
* We do not accept or support redistribution of wealth. Americans are the most charitable people in the world, but charity is a personal choice.
* We reserve the right to disagree with authority and to share our personal opinions. This is our right guaranteed by the Constitution and we will not give it up.
* Our government is "by the people and for the people." Elected officials and appointed bureaucrats work for us and answer to us. We the People are the source of their authority.
For more on Citizens for the Constitution, visit the Web site at www.c4ctexas.org.

I saw several people carrying signs:

T.E.A. Taxed Enough Already!
Save the Tea---Dump the Politicians
Spread the Work Ethic, NOT the Wealth

NO more Socialism

NO more Political Correctness

NO more Closed Doors

Support our Troops, Don't Prosecute them

Were just a few I saw. The crowd was polite and orderly, I didn't see a radical fringe of rowdies. What I did see were Families, Elders and Youngsters, Veteran's and Businessmen, Patriots, coming together for a common cause.
The meeting was opened with music from the Campbell Family Singers who led the crowd in a round of God Bless America, followed by This land is your land/ this land is my land, This is My country, Of course Lee Greenwood's God Bless the USA and Amazing Grace and several others. They regaled us with country Gospel, it was quite enjoyable.

Jason Harris opened the meeting in Prayer.

Marshall Holland called the meeting to order and introduced a distinguished guest, Mr Wilford Moore, a WWll veteran who was injured at Pearl Harbor on that infamous day, December 7, 1941. He shared his memories from that day and told us of the injury he sustained when a 500lb bomb landed within 60 feet of him, which damaged his hearing in both ears but otherwise left him unscathed.(A miracle Yes) He shared with us the grief of losing his best buddy in that attack. It was a stark reminder for me, the high cost of freedom and liberty that so many of us take for granted. My son was excited to be able to talk to him after the meeting and to see his pictures from that day and the days that followed. An amazing history lesson for my son who is a WWll buff of huge proportions.
We watched a short video called At the Revolution by Alan West. When it was finished there was more than one shout of "I'd Vote for him" that went up around the room. I was thinking in the back of my mind perhaps we haven't heard the last of Alan West. I am going to start some research into this man.
The visiting speaker for this evening was George Stevenson, who is the chairman of an organization called Grass Roots America We the People, from Tyler,Texas.(www.GRAWTP.com) He talked about his childhood, growing up on a farm and about his father who served in WWll. He talked about complacency and the need to put an end to it.
He spoke to us about the need for us to stand up and make changes and how it starts at home, in our own towns and cities and getting involved in our local government. It starts with talking to your neighbors, families, friends. He spoke about the importance of the 2010 elections and the fact that the opposition knows our numbers are growing. He shared the importance of not sitting on the sidelines anymore.
He urged those in attendance to study our constitution, study our founding fathers and their vision for this country. He stated that we were born for this moment, like our ancestors before us, this is our day, this is our destiny.
He shared the importance of prayer for our country and the need for conservative values to again be embraced. He spoke of the "movement" to silence Christians with the threats of stripping churches of their tax exempt status; and the fact that churches need to stand up and say fine, go for it, pay the tax and once again let their voices be heard. This statement was applauded and cheered by the entire room.
It was a rousing meeting, and it was refreshing to see so many others who have concerns about where our country is headed. It spoke to my maternal instincts that wonder what will be left of this America that I love, for my children and grandchildren. It spoke to my Patriotic side, my Proud American side, the one that remembers when love of country was something everyone felt, at least everyone I knew. It energized me to become more involved, become better educated about the issues so I can make more informed decisions; to raise my voice with the growing numbers of Citizen Warriors who have been awakened.
We also heard from our local Superintendent of Schools and his opinion about President Obama's choice for "Safe School Czar" Kevin Jennings who is nothing more than a pedophile in my book.

Also in attendance was one of our Local City councilman. He shared a bumper sticker that he had seen recently that read: Annoy a Politician by defending the constitution. He spoke about the groups focus which is...

To be educated; about the issues and the Constitution.

To be prepared; as a community

To be Organized

To have a member of the group in attendance at every County Commissioners meeting, every City Council meeting, every School Board meeting. .

To Stand Up and be counted, to once again have our voices heard. One person CAN make a difference and it starts with YOU!

Get out there and make a difference today in your hometown. Stand up and be heard America!

The will of the People is the only legitimate foundation of any Government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object. ~ Thomas Jefferson